NHS Lothian NMAHP & Pharmacy Research Annual Review 2024

The NHS Lothian continues to be recognised as the leading health board in Scotland in supporting the clinical academic development of the Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy, Psychology and Healthcare Science (NMAHPPS) professions.
Over the past year NMAHPPS leaders have continued to work through their strategic Partnership with colleagues in six Scottish universities to implement the Lothian’s NMAHPPS Research Strategy.
The following report outlines the key research activities and achievements of the Nursing, Midwifery, Allied Health Professions and Pharmacy (NMAHPP) professions during 2023-2024.
There is a lot to celebrate – particularly the success of the Gateway Awards, which clearly demonstrates the appetite of NMAHPP colleagues to consider a career in research.
Please, take the opportunity to read the NHS Lothian NMAHP & Pharmacy Research Annual Review 2024, available on the NHS Lothian Health & Care Professions Research website.