Key Partners
South East Scotland Research Ethics Service (SESRES)
The Research Ethics Service in Scotland is a part of the UK-wide national service aimed at facilitating research, whilst simultaneously protecting the rights, safety, dignity and well-being of people participating in research in the NHS. The service is supported by the Scottish Government’s Chief Scientist Office (CSO) and the Health Research Authority (HRA).
South East Scotland Research Ethics Service
Waverly Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place
Telephone: 0131 465 5679
Email the Research Ethics South East Scotland Service or Helen Newbery
University of Edinburgh Research Office (ERO)
The University of Edinburgh’s Research Support Office (ERO) works with researchers, and the local professional services colleagues who support them, at all stages of research grant proposal preparation, providing specialist knowledge and guidance on all aspects of research grant management and reporting, as well as expert legal advice for your research related contracts.
Visit the ERO website to find out more about the office.
The Contracts Team within ERO provide expert legal advice for research related contracts, including agreements for funding, collaboration, clinical trials, confidentiality, material and data transfer and intellectual property.
You can contact the Contracts Team by visiting the ERO page, following their link to 'Setting up Research Contracts' (you must be logged into EASE to access this page).
Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility (CRF)
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (WTCRF)
Western General Hospital
Crewe Road South
Telephone: 0131 537 2591
Email the CRF for more information
Visit the CRF website
Royal Infirmary Clinical Research Facility (RIECRF)
Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
51 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh BioQuarter
EH16 4SA
Telephone: 0131 242 7183
Email the RIECRF for more information
Visit the RIECRF website
Childrens Clinical Research Facility (CCRF)
Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
50 Little France Crescent
Edinburgh BioQuarter
Edinburgh EH16 4TJ
Telephone: 0131 312 0204
Email the CCRF for more information
Visit the CCRF website
Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Usher Building
The University of Edinburgh
5-7 Little France Road
Edinburgh BioQuarter - Gate 3
Edinburgh, EH16 4UX
Telephone: 0131 651 9901
Email the ECTU for more information
Visit the ECTU website
Investigational Supplies Group and the HealthcareTechnology Accelerator Facility (HTAF)
ISG as part of HTAF provides Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs) and other clinical agents in support of UoE and NHS Lothian clinical and non-clinical trials.
Holding the necessary authorisations from the MHRA, the service aims to meet the needs of investigators and the research community within UoE and NHS Lothian through the provision of in-house, GMP compliant capabilities and facilities for the re-labelling and packaging of Investigational and Non-Investigational Medicinal Products and providing advice on the sourcing and costing for proposals. Alongside ISG is an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient laboratory capable of supplying APIs, stability and analytical packages for early stage clinical studies. Further investment is on-going to provide investigators and researchers with a sterile liquid manufacture service to extend the resources we can offer. Please get in touch with the HTAF team at the email address below to discuss your requirements.
Email the HTAF for more information
Visit the HTAF website