R&D Approvals

R&D Approvals

The Research & Development (R&D) Office can provide support for project registration, NHS Support Cost calculation at funding application stage, generic and local review of research governance issues, and obtaining NHS R&D management approval. 

R&D management approval is required from all NHS organisations hosting research studies involving NHS patients, their tissues, their data, or NHS resources.  NHS Lothian approval is issued following a formal review of your study and ensures that the legal obligations of the Board are met. Approval also provides insurance/indemnity for research studies under the Clinical Negligence and Other Risks Indemnity Scheme (CNORIS) and is a condition of a favourable ethical opinion.

Applications for NHS R&D management approval should be made using the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS).  For a single centre study in NHS Lothian, contact the R&D Office.  Multicentre studies should be submitted to the NHS Research Scotland Permissions Coordinating Centre (NRSPCC).

You can submit your application for NHS R&D approval in parallel with your application for an ethics committee opinion.